Discussing Anti-Racism & Equity in Emergency Medicine
Discussing Anti-Racism & Equity in Emergency Medicine
What is DARE-EM?
Discussing Anti-Racism and Equity (DARE) is an educational intervention aimed at emergency medicine providers. This educational arm was proposed by the Committee on Anti-Racism and Equity (CARE).
The curriculum includes conferences dedicated to anti-racism and equity topics, simulation sessions, reading groups, film screenings and other art showings, as well as integrating these items into the existing education at Brown EM.
DARE will be using internal data such as ESI scoring, time to pain medication, use of security staff, and CDU admissions to track and change racial disparities.

This curriculum will encourage anti-racist attitudes and behaviors among emergency medicine providers in order for us to provide equitable and actively anti-racist care to our patients. Goals for our Brown Emergency Medicine physician attendings, trainees, APPs, and nurses will be able to:
- Address implicit bias and the effects of racism on individual practice of medicine.
- Identify the legacy and impact of structural racism on medicine.
- Utilize practices that challenge the subtle impacts of individual racism/bias in their clinical work and interpersonal interactions.
- Create feasible goals toward an actively anti-racist practice of medicine.
- Participate effectively in an actively anti-racist departmental culture.
- The curriculum will also work to develop a core group of participants committed to developing and demonstrating an anti-racist ethic in our ED.